Admin | Jan. 7, 2023, 3:45 p.m.


Which is the no. 1 trigger of most diseases we know of today, right from Acne to the inability to lose weight to Cancer?







It’s Chronic Constipation

It also important to understand that constipation is a symptom, not a disease, but chronic constipation can lead to deadly diseases in the long run.

Some of the common causes of constipation are-

▪️Sedentary lifestyle

▪️Low fiber diet

▪️Excessive tea/coffee


▪️Overuse of medicines like antacids

▪️Iron and calcium supplements

▪️Poorly managed stress

▪️Frequent travel & irregular meal times 

▪️Less sleep

▪️Following the so called “fat-free” diet and not having the right amount of acids in the stomach

▪️Constipation can also be an outcome of certain medical issues like IBS ,under active thyroid or pregnancy. 

Nonetheless, a regular defecation is the most important aspect of anyone’s lifestyle .

Lets picture what happens when colon holds on to toxic waste:

▪️The toxic matter starts hardening up inside the colon which can make defecation very painful leading to fissures and haemorrhoids in extreme cases

▪️Formation of toxic gases that can get into the blood stream and circulate all over the body and cells , which can also lead to cell mutations ( cancer )

▪️That toxic gas is also an answer as to why constipated indiviuals complain of bad breath and body odor

▪️Excess Estrogen that's supposed to be eliminated can get reabsorbed into the system, leading to estrogen dominance which is one of the leading causes of breast cancer in females

▪️Infact, Constipation is one of the most common trait seen in cancer patients, apart from low Vitamin D3 levels

▪️Since 70-80% immunity lies in our gut, a toxic colon can damage immunity

▪️Unhealthy communication between the gut and the brain . Inability to produce mood boosters like serotonin, that can lead to depression , low self esteem, unhappy thoughts and sadness

So no matter what your health goal is, if you are constipated , your first focus should be on elimination

Lastly some natural remedies that can address constipation:

▪️Psyllium husk/ Isabgol is a natural laxative , much better than a synthetic one . It works well for those who are chronically constipated or travel a lot .  2-3 tsp of this mixed with water can lead to a smoother poop the next morning

▪️Triphala : 1 tbsp of triphala powder mixed with water before bed helps clean the colon next day.

▪️Eating 4-5 Soaked prunes/2 tbsp black 

raisins/ dried apricots with warm water, 2 hours before bed

▪️Steeping ½ tsp of ajwain (Carom seeds) in hot water and drinking that stimulates motions

▪️1 tbsp of castor oil/extra virgin coconut oil before bed helps lubricate the passage

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Keywords: fitness breastcancer healthcare guthealth water lifestylemedicine holistichealth constipation nutrition lifestyle wellbeing medical selfhelp awareness coffee mindset sleep wellness healing mindfulness integrativemedicine lifestyle travel gut health heal gas acid cancer

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